2 Hands Made This

Episode 25 How to Make Headlines and Subject Lines POP!

June 11, 2021 Christine Laureano Episode 25

With all your emails, content, and everything else that you're putting out there to the world. 

What better time to talk about headlines and subject lines.

When you've read something. When something grabs your attention.

What is it that makes you continue to read it?

When the subject line or headline is generic or boring, if it's something that makes you think twice about, you don't read it.

If it doesn't interest you. You WON'T read it.

But when a subject line or a headline grabs your attention...you keep reading.

That is the job of your subject line or your headline, whether it's an email subject line, whether it's a blog post headline, whether it's a newsletter headline.

You're writing those headlines to grab your reader's attention and keep them reading down the page.


Breakthrough Advertising - Gene Schwartz

Rule of One blog post

Levels of Awareness

Justin Blackman - The Headline Project - 100 headlines in 100 days

Jay Abraham - The 100 Greatest Headlines Ever Written