2 Hands Made This

Episode 16 - How a Booming Bagel Biz Bounced Back After The Pandemic with Annie Aaroe

March 22, 2021 Christine Laureano Season 1 Episode 16

From a million-dollar biz to a mom & pop shop...

Maker of Bagels. Direct response copywriter. And coach and mentor teaching restaurant owners how to find customers online, Annie Aaroe shares her biz brilliant and how her bagel business bounced back after the pandemic. (And what’s new on the horizon for her.)

Annie is the owner of Bagel Grove in Utica, NY. She’s been in business for 30 years...growing and building her bagel business. Then, well, 2020 hit. After completely shutting down in April, she had to come up with a new plan. A new strategy. And new marketing.

One of the things you’ll hear in this episode really struck me...what was a booming million-dollar business became a mom & pop business. Annie was creating the new normal for her business. And a new service Annie came up with to offset (help offset) the wholesale part of her business and actually brought a sense of normalcy to her customers. And...how a Youtube ad gave her a 12% return.

And how her skills as a direct response copywriter have given her the marketing edge.

There are a lot of gems in this episode so pull up your chair to the kitchen table and enjoy the show.

P.S. Annie has a little something for you too…The Maker’s Guide to Getting Inside Your Ideal Customer’s Head  Remember to...Go To File → Make a Copy - save to your drive
