2 Hands Made This

Episode 9 - Common Myths and Misconceptions About Trademarking your Business with Andrea Evans

January 27, 2021 Christine Laureano Season 1 Episode 9

Where would our businesses be without a professional like Andrea?

You’ve come this far...are you willing to go a little farther?

To invest in your idea and your business so no one can take it.

There’s nothing worse than finding out someone took your idea or your business name and are is making a ton more money than you.

And you not having any legal recourse because you didn’t do this ONE very important thing in your business.


Can you do it on your own?

Sure. You can read a book. And If you have time to spend hours pouring through the USPTO searches to see if any other business is using your name and trying to figure out the legal-ease on your application so you don’t get screwed.


You can talk to someone like Andrea who knows all the ins and outs of trademark and IP law.

Trademarking a new business is a step that is often skipped over by entrepreneurs while rushing to launch their new startups. Not only can early-stage trademark research and registration help protect your brand, but it can also help avoid infringing on another mark down the road, after pouring countless amounts of time and money into the business.

Andrea Hence Evans, Esq. launched the intellectual property law practice, The Law Firm of Andrea Hence Evans, LLC . She worked at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for 5 years as both a patent examiner and a trademark examining attorney after graduating from law school.

She has many many accolades, her most recent being 2020 National Bar Association Women Lawyers Division (WLD) Outstanding Woman Lawyer in a Solo/Small Firm

Andrea is a GEM and over the years has helped entrepreneurs and indie businesses protect their ideas and themselves with trademarks.

Pull up your chair to the kitchen table and enjoy the show.


Andrea Hence Evans Esq.

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